Category Archives: Events
FSGA Souvenir Book Ads
We encourage all Florida Grottoes to purchase an ad in the FSGA Annual Convention Souvenir Book The Prophet’s Guide. This beautiful magazine is published annually to coincide with the FSGA Annual Convention and helps offset the cost of the convention for the attendees.
There are several affordable options to choose from (see ad form below), and you can either print the PDF form below and mail it with your check and artwork, or you can fill out the online form where you can pay online, and email your artwork. Please reach out to your local Blue Lodges, Youth Groups, and Appendant Bodies as well as your local businesses for ads, and consider a business card or booster line for yourself, family members, or friends.
2022 Grand Lodge Ceremonial
FSGA will have an information booth in front of the meeting hall at Grand Lodge. Here you can fill out a petition and pay the $50 initiation fee. If you want to download a petition to pre-fill and expedite the process, click here. Let’s Send MW Lynn out with a bang!