The President and his committee of choice are charged with assisting member Grottoes in conforming to the provisions of the Constitution and Laws of the Supreme Council, to include assistance with filing IRS 990N forms and helping to bring them to a current status if behind; To assist with Florida Dept. of Agriculture solicitation permitting; Make himself available for questions about proper procedure in conforming to the Supreme Code. The President should make himself acquainted with the Supreme Council District Deputies for the member Grottoes and have an open line of communication with them as well as the Supreme Council office to ensure transparency and effectiveness.
For assistance please contact
Roland Yates (Samoor)

Deputy President
The Deputy President and his committee of choice are charged with the improvement of ceremonial sessions and assist member Grottoes with the casting, scheduling, props, and promotion of their two ceremonials each year per the Supreme Council Code. Also, to include organizing the FSGA ceremonial that is conferred at The Grand Lodge of Florida’s Annual Convention, as well as initiating similar arrangements at other appendant and concordant bodies conventions, and assist with the ordering of ritual books.
For assistance please contact
Ray Vance (Zara)

First Vice President
The First Vice President and his committee of choice are charged with the organization and development of Florida Grottoes by initiating and maintaining close contact with the Monarch, Secretary, and Chief Justice of every member Grotto and to make them aware of each other’s events, meetings, fundraisers, ceremonials, etc. The FSGA has an established Calendar, Website, and Social Media accounts to assist in serving this purpose.
For assistance please contact
Christian Kiefer (Ozz)

Second Vice President
The 2nd Vice President and his committee of choice are charged with assisting Florida Grottoes with fundraising activities for our beloved Humanitarian Foundation. To outline the different award programs that are provided by The Supreme Council, and assist with the ordering of promotional material and other supplies for toothbrush drives and other
fundraising activities.
For assistance please contact
Ed Sexton (Ormazd)

Third Vice President
The 3rd Vice President and his committee of choice are charged with aiding in the membership development of Florida Grottoes by ensuring awareness of the several membership and award programs offered by The Supreme Council such as Master Mason Nights, Blue Lodge visits, etc. To help Florida Grottoes develop a PowerPoint presentation tailored to their specific Grotto suitable to be projected or cast to TV’s during Blue Lodge visits, fundraisers, etc., and assist with ordering of Grotto Stories & pocket petitions.
For assistance please contact
Glenn Schmidt (Zara)

Executive Secretary
The Executive Secretary handles the collection of dues, recording the meeting minutes, maintains records, pays the bills, among a plethora of other things. We could not operate without him.
For assistance please contact
Craig Frazier, PM (Ormazd)

Executive Treasurer
The Executive Treasurer Takes care of our money and tax reporting.
For assistance please contact
Paul Ritchie, PM (Samoor)